
Clever Online Targeting

Source: Emerce Jan. 2008

Online advertising is a all about finding the right consumer interests and getting the right ads to the right people. In the latest version of Emerce, there was an article about three methods that can be applied to cleverly advertise toward the right consumers. The one that intrigued me the most was the method of the American advertising company called Fetchback.

Also known as behavioural targeting, the Fetchback method is successful because it advertises to consumers who have already searched for the product or service. If a consumer searches for a product, a cookie is left and send to Fetchback with the search terms of the consumer. Fetchback can adapt an advertisement specifically to the search term and deliver it to the consumer. This is a process also known as retargeting, where the consumer has had interest in a product before and is associated with it once more.

98 percent of the visitors on your website do not become customers, but somewhere along the way they have showed interest in a product or service. The key is to keep track of those consumers and try to make sure that they will keep that product or service in the back of their heads.

If you want to see the demo of what Fetchback can do for your company, just click here

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