
A Wave of Pink

I was working in a Primafoon store last Saturday when a new navigation system popped up on the computer screen. The new Garman Nüvi 250. It was a pink version designed (as the company says; especially for the lady’s). But is making your product pink really enough, for a woman to buy your product?

The answer is no. Many women think it is absurd and feel offended by the way certain male designers make pink products for them. Making your products pink will maybe help you to sell products to girls up to 18 years old, but they cannot drive a car and will not buy a navigation system. Many women argue that the designers do not take their needs in account.

According to Saatchi & Saatchi a diversity of company’s is loosing an estimated 900 million dollars on profits. More then a third of the interviewed women say they are willing to spend more money on products if the designers would focus more on the needs of the average woman. No pink glitters but well designed and functional gadgets.

Because I am writing an Essay on man and how they cannot design for women, I thought this would be an interesting product to write a post about. Because men often do not understand women they design their products to work for a “stereotype” woman. In most cases, the stereotypes he thinks is a typical woman may be very rare.

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