
ITV from KPN

To continue on my latest post about personalisation, I wanted to write a post on ITV.
I work at Hamilton Bright. Our latest assignment is promoting ITV in Primafoon stores. I give demonstrations showing the customers the product and letting them experience the unique features ITV has to offer.

For those who do not know what ITV is I will give a short explanation. Because many people (especially youth) watch TV programs on the Internet, TV has become less wanted in households. The ability to watch whatever you like on the time you feel like it is exactly what people want and because there are no commercials there are large groups of people that prefer watching shows on the Internet.

ITV gives the user the same opportunity. With ITV you can pause your TV, fast forward commercials and watch programs at different times as they would normally be on. A question I ask customers frequently is: How late did you watch the eight ‘O’ clock news yesterday?

ITV fits the description of TV 2.0, giving the user back its freedom to watch whatever he likes. In my opinion, this is nothing revolutionary. It is just a logical product which follows the trend of personalisation, making sure that TV will be here for generations more to come.

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