
PC Zapper

PC Zapper is a music/video portal where you can watch live streaming from various international resources. PC Zapper even gives the viewer the chance to watch live streaming movies. The PC Zapper community is growing fast and the latest add is Hyves, which will expand the target group and help the community get even bigger. There are allready 100.000 members of the PC Zapper community and it's getting lager by the minute. PC Zapper gives you the opportunity to navigate through the very easy structure of the program giving you the possibillity to watch your favorite show any time you want.

I think that in ten to twenty years, people will watch TV on their computers, making the TV unneccesary to watch your favorite shows. About 80% of the stuff that is showed on TV, is of no importance to the viewer and because of the individualisation, people want to decide what to watch themselves. You could say PC Zapper is a form of narrowcasting, because the user only sees what he is interested in. PC Zapper is all about giving the user the exact right information he wants, within three klicks.

PC Zapper is a very good initiative, but the competition is not far behind. Large company's such as Philips, Sony, LG, Thomson etc. have put there heads togheter to create a new standard for watching live TV streaming on there computerscreens. These new developments are creating a new way of watching your favorite shows in the future.

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